About our Canopies
Superior Canopy designs, engineers, and manufactures the best canopy for your money. Every part of our design maximizes the long term performance of our canopies. We pre-engineer your design in our factory, pre-apply graphics if needed, and ship to the construction site for erection by a factory trained installer.
Every aspect of our design has strength and longevity in mind. From the thickness of the decking we use, to the tougher engineering standards that we adhere to, we always exceed expectations and give peace of mind to everybody involved.
Whether you have a new ground-up project, or re-imaging what you already have, give Superior Canopy a try. You’ll be amazed with the results!
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Circular Collection System
Our unique circular designed collection system canopies are perimeter drained, rather than center drained, to permit a smooth flat deck design. With the flat deck surface, lights can be mounted anywhere under the canopy. The gutter boxes require only one downspout, which can be located on any side of the column or skewed. The gutter sections are avail-able in up to 30 ft. seamless lengths. Standard square or round fiberglass corners. Our unique circular fiberglass collectors never rust. Downspouts can be located on any side of the column.
Every aspect of our design has strength and longevity in mind. From the thickness of the decking we use, to the tougher engineering standards that we adhere to, we always exceed expectations and give peace of mind to everybody involved.
Whether you have a new ground-up project, or re-imaging what you already have, give Superior Canopy a try. You’ll be amazed with the results!
Deck Clip System
Superior’s deck clip system totally eliminates the need for fasteners, drilling and welding in deck installation. This in turn significantly reduces rust potential and increases the structural strength of the canopy deck for both live and wind loads.
“Walk on” Structural Decking
Added strength supplied with the deck clip system and standard 16” wide deck pans of 20 gauge steel provides fast installation and firm support for installation crews, and ease in cleaning the canopy top. The structural decking provides greater support for heavy snow loads. We insist on using a G90 galvanized (not raw steel) finish, primed and roll-coated with the finish paint aiding in the prevention of rust problems.
80 Gloss Decking
Superior Canopy’s standard decking is an ultra-reflective 80 gloss decking material , (80% of light will be reflected, providing greater light). This allows for fewer light fixtures on the canopy too.
Fascia Materials
Fascia materials and color combinations are virtually unlimited. Complete design assistance can be provided or a variety of fascia treatments and designs can be produced. Superior Canopy has vast experience in the use of all traditional and special fascia materials. Our flat laminated fascia is unsurpassed in quality and adhesion. The backer panels are baked and sanded for better adhesion and no oil contamination. Superior Canopy will factory apply your graphics to your fascia in our factory, to ensure the best adhesion and appearance.

Our unique circular fiberglass collectors never rust. Downspouts can be located on any side of the column.

Superior Canopy with Gulf image.